“Growing up in the country, I was heavily influenced by my surroundings and my family,” says Grazzhopper frontman Cody Brewer, who hails from Leonard, Oklahoma. “My father and grandfather instilled the basic building blocks of bluegrass and country and from that foundation, I have developed a more complex sound from my later musical influences in the jam, folk and jazz scenes.” Fluctuating as needed from an acoustic duo to a five-piece band, Grazzhopper’s live shows are festive, danceable affairs. Brewer’s lyrics explore everything from the trials and tribulations of life to the power of joy to the liberation of travel. “Each of my songs marks a period in my life, a piece of my journey that I want to place a stamp on,” notes Brewer, who is also a founding member of Tulsa electronic/rock group The Moai Broadcast. Grazzhopper’s excellent self-titled debut will be available at the show.